Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Labor Day Construction

Oh Labor Day, you were over in the blink of an eye.  If you know Columbia, you know most people, esp. on long summer holiday weekends, pack up and head to one of the many beaches only a couple hours away.  We however stayed in Columbia (Yay and Boo)!!!  We had great company for dinners and I showed homes some as well.  But, if you follow me on Instagram or know me at all you know Stephen and I started a huge master bedroom renovation earlier this year and by earlier I mean January (love you SHR).  And if you know my hubby at all you know he is very meticulous about every little detail and he likes doing it all himself (that’s the engineer in him).  We are renovating two bedrooms at one end of our house to make a master suite so it’s  been out of sight, out of mind, well until I decided to have my surgery, then it became crunch time! Our bedroom/closet/bathroom are almost done being painted,the tile guy is moving along and will hopefully be done by this coming weekend (fingers crossed) and our closet is close to being done as well. We have more to do, mostly final touches, but I feel more prepared than I did this past Friday. They say that if a couple can undergo a renovation then they can go through anything.  Well Stephen and I have been through 2 now (he/we hand built our entire kitchen a couple years ago) and we are going stronger than ever - so this surgery/recovery will be a breeze.  Thank you to him for putting up with my wants and for finding them in our budget as well as for dealing with my breakdowns when things weren’t going according to my plan.  As usual, you are my rock but get back to work ;)

I dream it, he builds it

One of the happiest days of the reno...
When my tub was installed

Love our closet chandelier

1 comment:

  1. LOVE that tub! Elizabeth from Nella Designs here. I follow you on Instagram :)
    Just wanted to say I'm so proud of you for sharing your story/journey. If a random girl comes up and hugs you at a JLC event, it'll probably be me. lol.
